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Freedom New Moon
26 September 2022

Freedom New Moon




For the New Moon in Libra, Monday, September 26th, 2022, it is time to expand true Self-Awareness of the Soul. The more self-aware we are, sometimes the more we don’t want to know.  But once you are aware, you go back, and it would lead to more karma. The self-awareness is limited, and we do not always know the impact we have on others. 


Understanding self-awareness and realizing it shifts and the soul's wisdom is the ego waking up or the ego reacting. As we allow ourselves to wake up, we expand self-awareness.


This week in Hindu tradition we celebrate victory of light over darkness. This pushes us into the limits of the ego which is separate (fuel of the ego). With basic self-awareness we discriminate, and we fear separation and the higher dimensions help us realize there is no "little self,” only awareness of the soul.

So, overcoming the external negatives is important currently as we move through this Galactic Centre Gateway through to November 22, 2022.

Unless we surrender to the soul, we can then come into union.


The New Moon in Libra on Monday September 26, 2022

is about letting go who you think you are and coming into balance with who you really are.


Infinite wisdom brings new freedom.


What is it that keeps leaving you feeling unworthy? It's a time of changing communications and how we relate to others to bring harmony.  Time for a

Clarity and Shifting Reading.


Thursday September 29 (Archangel Michael's Feast Day), Venus is in Libra, a time of deeper self-love and love with others.  We need to see who we are and who "they" are. The Ego will try to create separation with others, so it validates the emotions or the karma. It's not about being detached.  It's about Awareness.

Mercury direct on Saturday, October 1, is the end of the feeling of more separation that has been going on...

Allow Mercury and the other planets that have been Retrograde to show you what you need to ‘see’.


We are now in the final phase of the end of this year. We are moving into many deep shifts and a time of major choices for life going forward. Saturn is the planet of the past, government, and Uranus is freedom and future, the maverick, etc. This energy will go on through to the end of November, possible shifts in the

global economic system, extreme earth events, lots of havoc created by all the planets that have been Retrograde with Mercury. Uranus is connected with

power, electrical symbolism.


Jupiter expansion has moved with this and after September 28, there is a need for more caution and slower movement. October will be a shift in more order, then the greater faster changes will start to take place.

It will be like a roller coaster at times.


So, we are still experiencing the Libra Equinox and with Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto also retrograde during this time, many unexpected changes are occurring. It’s a time of revisiting old issues and moving with greater

clarity in our lives. Getting to the deeper meaning of old behaviour patterns is up now. Take time for more inner work to become clearer. Pluto makes us dig deep to get to the truth of matters.


The next 7 months Mars in Gemini energizes the planet of the mind, social media, communications, social interaction. It adds to our creativity.   


We will notice our creativity and imagination expanded and new educational programs will be more of interest to us during the next 7 months or so. Take your

time to contemplate and choose the right actions to go forward.


Do your homework and investigate what people are saying, do not just jump forward to “follow whatever feels right." In other words, more serious discernment of choices and actions in life will be important. Some "smoking mirrors" of what appears to be true vs what is true, will be prevalent.   

Analyse and take your time, remember to drop into meditation breathing with right hand over heart centre to really know what your heart is telling

you, the "cosmic heart dimension," not just the linear mind. Also, more global matters of Justice and the Law will be taking place.  


Remember the Super Galactic Centre is still in effect until November 22, 2022. It opens a massive time for major choices and changes going forward. 

Remember, do not feed the duality on the earth plane as it will expand the negative and the illusion of separation. No more contraction, time to be excited about expanding your horizons in all ways now through to the end of year.

Remember we are here to assist the rebirth of the "New Earth,” an honour as we raise our frequencies into the higher dimensions.  


It is our TIME. It is time for Manifestations for the highest good being accelerated. Aquarius is helping us build the new systems in the Golden Age for the long-time future networks. Hang on for October and November bring massive changes. Stay in high vibrations and encourage others. Stay calm and all is well.

Have a great cup of tea with a great friend!


Talk to you soon!


AthenaStar  7867

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